More than 40 years ago, Daikin designed the first complete line of water source heat pumps for high efficiency, individually zoned comfort control in offices, schools, assisted living facilities, manufacturing facilities and other commercial buildings. Our reputation for outstanding reliability and quiet operation has been reinforced in thousands of successful installations.
Enfinity water source heat pumps incorporate the best of our past and the best of what’s new. Using feedback from building owners, consulting engineers, contractors and service engineers, we designed Enfinity products to give you maximum flexibility to design, install, operate and maintain the ideal water source heat pump system for your building project.
- Standard or geothermal application flexibility
- High efficiency reduces energy consumption/operating costs and can contribute to earning LEED® points and rebates
- Superior indoor air quality and quiet operation
- MicroTech® III unit controls with Open Choices® feature allows standalone or easy, low cost network integration using LonWorks® or BACnet® communication options
- Multiple factory-installed features/options – including desuperheater, hot gas reheat, auxiliary electric heat, ECM fan motor, two-way motorized valve and compressor sound blanket, allow you to closely match application requirements and lower installation costs
- Performance rated with ISO Standard 13256-1